Therapy for Adolescents/Teens

Pandemic Life is Tough on Young People!

Like any good parent, you do everything you can to keep your child safe! Maybe that means doing school virtually, not letting them see friends, and staying home more.

All these changes have to have an impact, so of course, you worry. Maybe you’ve noticed your child seems withdrawn, down, or always in a bad mood.

Being a young person is difficult as it is – throw in a pandemic, and it’s no wonder many young people are feeling miserable!

Suddenly, their entire world shifted! Even though they understand the virus, they resent they can’t hang out with their friends and be normal again.

Growing Up is Hard to Do

Your heart hurts when you think about the difficult things that your child has already experienced.

Although you do your best to protect them, hard things in life happen – Divorce, Bullying, Health Issues, Death of a Loved One.

You’re not sure what they need or how to be there for them.

Noticing your child feeling sadness and anxiety is emotionally hard on you as the parent.

You wish you could take their troubles off their shoulders and carry them yourself.

Therapy Provides Help and Support for Your Child

When I work with a young person, they often share more with me than with their parents because they don’t want to burden or worry their parents.

Instead of bottling up the feelings, the young person learns it helps to share what’s bothering them.

Sometimes it’s talking about how much they miss going to dance practice in-person or going to the movies with their best friend.

Sometimes, it’s how frustrating virtual school can be. Whatever is on their mind, they can share and make sense of it in our sessions.

So, How Does it Work?

The free phone consultation and most of our first session are just with you and me – I want to give you a chance to share your concerns and hopes for your child before I meet them.

If they have experienced tough stuff in the past, this is an excellent time to share about it. Then, bring your child in for a quick virtual meet-and-greet!

By the next session, your child already knows who I am and feels more at ease.

Then, you set them up in a private space at home and start the session. Pop on for a quick hello if you like!

Your adolescent/teen will be good to go from there! You can make dinner, jump in the shower, pay your taxes, or do whatever you need to do in another room. Don’t worry. If we need you, we’ll let you know.

Young people feel fantastic when they have their therapy sessions. They love being able to talk about whatever they want to in a safe space. Of course, they understand that if there’s a safety concern, I bring you into the session so we can get on the same page. Otherwise, everything stays private.

Empower Your Adolescent/Teen!

Some parents want to know all about their child’s therapy sessions. That’s not how therapy with me works. That’s a sure way to have the child shut down in therapy! Instead, I work with parents who want the best for their child and trust their child and me to handle therapy. They trust the process of therapy!

Interestingly enough, young people flourish with this trust and might surprise you by sharing more about what they are going through with you on their own!

I work with young people who are open to receiving help. Maybe they don’t know what counseling is, yet they have a good idea and are on board by the second session. They look forward to sessions!

A Fun and Compassionate Space

First, I help them get comfortable with therapy and with me as I get to know them! We might play some virtual games to break the ice. I introduce them to my fantastic virtual playroom!

Depending on the young person, we might mix talk therapy, expressive therapy, and play therapy.

I’ve never met a young person who wouldn’t benefit from having one more safe, compassionate, supportive adult in their life. It can make all the difference.

Michael was SO Bored of Online School

13-year-old Michael* used to love school! His mom, Kathy*, really felt for him and how the pandemic changed his life. Michael was SO over online schooling. He barely did work anymore. He hadn’t seen his friends in person in over a year!

It took Michael 10 minutes of playing games in my virtual play therapy room and talking about himself to learn that therapy was totally cool.

In our sessions, he chatted about what online school was like and his worries about the Coronavirus. It turned out he had some big fears about it.

The Positive Shift

Michael started feeling better after getting his feelings out. He started opening up more with his mom in between sessions, too. He started riding his bike again and watching movies at home with the family instead of staying in his room.

Life was still challenging, but Michael has learned about things that help. “I listen to music when I feel blah. I can’t see my friends, but at least I can play video games with them,” Michael realized.

I always point out his strengths and positive qualities in session, and Michael began to see the good in himself. Perhaps that’s why his mom has noticed him being more confident now.

Let Me Help Your Child!

Suffering through the pandemic is hard enough for adults, but it is stressful and challenging for adolescents and teens. They miss their friends, activities at school, and social events. The pandemic constantly hands over their heads.

Even after the pandemic, adolescents and teens face many challenges. I can help and love seeing the changes that occur simply by providing support while genuinely listening to what they have to say.

Therapy worked for Michael, and it can help your child, too.

Contact me today for a free phone consultation!

*Names changed to protect privacy.