A Letter to My Clients

Dear Fellow Traveler,

Be kind to yourself. Remember that everything is a process. Try things and do things imperfectly.

When you get busy and forget about your well-being, know that you can always return to being kind to yourself.

Remember that productivity does not define your worth. It’s not tied to the number on the scale, your relationship status, or your salary. You are worthy just as you are.

Seek joy and show up fully present in your life because the world needs you. You do not need fixing, improved, or changed.

And, when you need help, reach out for it.



What I Believe

I believe that life is hard, AND you are stronger than you think.

I believe there is always hope. Things can get better.

You matter, your story matters, and the world needs YOU, showing up, fully present as your true self.

I believe in the power of self-compassion and kindness.

I believe that listening intently and being there for someone is the exact support that a fellow human needs.

I believe therapy can be a space for profound transformations if you let it.

I believe in you, and I trust the process of therapy.