Quarterlife Crisis

What You Thought Adulting Would Be Like

When you pictured making your way in the world, you saw yourself in a fabulous apartment, surrounded by beautiful vine plants and your loving pets.

Lounging in your chair, you calmly sip coffee as you get ready for another perfect day at work at your dream job with a killer salary.

After work, you spontaneously stop by the market to grab some fresh food; you and your partner love making dinner together. As you eat with the love of your life, you plan your next big vacation, traveling the world.

This. Is. Adulthood. Right?!

What Adulting Is Actually Like

The reality is, just thinking about work makes you want to crawl into bed for a nice three-year-long nap. That’s why Sundays are so stressful – there’s always a Monday lurking around the corner!

You’re young, AND you wonder if it’s already too late for you to find happiness.

Most days, you’re just trying to get by without having a breakdown. Maybe it’s the relationship difficulties along with you not liking yourself. It’s a lot of things.

Not to mention the fear that comes with living during a pandemic. The future feels so uncertain now.

What’s Next?

When it comes to making any significant decision, the pressure is paralyzing – changing jobs – going back to school – or sharing with your partner how you feel.

It’s easier to avoid it all because it’s so scary.

Your mom, best friend, yoga teacher, and even your dentist give you unsolicited advice about what you should do in your life. But they don’t know the complete picture.

Sometimes, you aren’t sure who you even are.

Meet Quarterlife Crisis. (Actually, I Think You’ve Already Met.)

We all know about the midlife crisis. But no one is talking about the Quarterlife crisis! We have to validate how incredibly hard the transition into adult life can be.

For the first time, you’re making independent choices that set the foundation for your life. No wonder you’re stressed and OVERWHELMED!

No matter how lost and tired you feel, know that you are not alone. And therapy can help as you find your way!

Therapy Helps You Find Your Way

In our sessions, you’ll talk out those deep fears, anxious thoughts, and sad feelings. You might notice right away that it feels less overwhelming when you can talk things out in a safe place.

As you share, new ideas and realizations will come up. You can begin to see yourself as you are and build self-compassion.

You might remember who you are and what you want.

Making helpful changes in your life becomes more accessible!

Therapy is YOU Time

As your therapist, know that I believe in you. I’m not there to tell you what you should do. I think you will find your way and are fully capable of making decisions.

Therapy is a time you’ll look forward to because it’s a time just for you to unwind and let things out.

Come with a list of things you need to discuss. Come just as you are.

Sometimes, it’ll feel tough to talk about the hard stuff. But it’s okay because you feel safe, and we go at your pace.

Janet* Missed Life Before the Pandemic …

– Like really missed it. Janet felt lonely, no longer meeting up with friends after work or doing anything.

Her job, which she didn’t like much anyway, moved to work from home.

She started therapy feeling sad and lost, not knowing whether she should try to change jobs to find something she likes or be happy she still had a job.

She felt down most of the time.

She’s Worth Investing In

To Janet, deciding to go to therapy meant deciding that she was worth the investment. Taking this big, positive step led to many other actions, such as journaling, reading, and cleaning her apartment.

She took a shower and got dressed each day – things she had skipped for a while.

Janet tried online dating and came to embrace dating from a distance during the pandemic.

She also started meeting up with a friend for socially distanced coffee. She had fun again.

Excited About the Future

The most significant change I noticed was how much Janet felt at home within herself. It was as if she was able to remember who she is.

“I don’t feel as lost anymore,” she shared one day. “I’m taking things day by day, now. Who knows what the future holds, but I’m excited about it.”

Take Charge of Your Quarterlife

Make adulting easier, face crises, and adapt to what life offers.

Therapy is worth the investment. Janet is living proof of how therapy changed her life.

Let’s work together to make your Quarterlife enjoyable, no matter what circumstances you encounter.

*Name changed to protect privacy.